GrillGrate Spring Cleaning Survey Results

April 18, 2014

Thank you to the 100 people who took our survey last month. It was great to hear the various things people have done to clean their GrillGrates.

35% of People Owned their GrillGrates 3+ Years!
Deep Cleaning:
  • Never 17%
  • 1-2 times a year 36%
  • 3-4 times a year 17%
  • 4 times or more 32%
75% Use GrateTool to Clear Valleys and Sides
72% Have Never Soaked GrillGrates
22% Flip GrillGrates Over and Burn Off
Other interesting methods and our comments:
  • Power washing & steam cleaners– I took my buddy Tom’s GrillGrates to the car wash once! It works. One customer “bungy corded” GrillGrates to a tree and power-washed them after rending a dozen pork butts on them. Believe me I asked for a picture next time! Maybe he should leave them out over night for the animals to feast on pig love?
  • Oven Cleaning Cycle- Several reported using the self clean setting on their ovens with great success. Just a little ash left. I need to try it and see no reason not to. I suspect a re-oiling the first use might be needed.
  • Pry Bars, Butter Knives and Ash Tools along with the GrateTool to clean the valleys of debris.
  • Turn to high and wait until they catch fire! Then turn off the gas and let them burn off. We don’t suggest this method but have experienced a few fires in the valleys, especially from juicy rib-eyes.
  • Aluminum foil sheet over GrillGrates at high temps for a few minutes. Again a risky move if left on for 30 min or more 1000F temps will be reached and WARPING is eminent!
  • Dry Grass Trimmings to remove grease and clean them? How green!
grill brushes we've tested
Nothing beats the GrateTool in the valleys

Our BRUSH TRIAL was a failure and we learned that a valley brush gunks up so fast and bends too easily. However the survey did lead us to a simple ash tool. Stay Tuned!

Groover On the Grill Cleaner
On the Grill Cleaner
Thanks again to people who responded. We welcome you to take the GrillGrate Cleaning Survey or send us your tips and ideas via email. We really appreciate the feedback.
We sent out 25 packages of Groover and based on positive feedback will be selling soon on our webstore.