I have bacon envy!

January 30, 2009

Who knew that a NY times story about a well Stumbled Upon video would create a net sensation. A recipe called bacon explosion is a massive culinary masterpiece much like the Coronary ByPass Burger at the VORTEX. But the internet buzz and traffic it created is much more impressive. I have bacon envy.

I like grilling bacon (and with GrillGrates it is superb without the massive flare-ups) but I had no idea that there is a cult of bacon people. I knew this to be true when Guy Kawasaki was twittering about it way back about 19 hours ago. Then he added an Alltop page just for bacon lovers.

I thought I’d do my part and put up a gallery of grilled bacon shots for the unheralded multitudes of bacon lovers out there! I feel better getting that out of my system.